Friday, March 11, 2011

Program and Programming

Learning to program is not the same as learning a programming language. Learning to program is learning about problem-solving methodology, then put it in a certain notationthat is easy to read and understand. While the programming language learning means learning to use a language, grammar rules, the instructions, procedures for the operation of its compiler, and use these instructions to create a program that is written only in that language only. Until now there are dozens of programming languages ​​that can be distinguished based on the purpose and function.

Notation algorithm can be translated into many languages​​

algorithm can be translated into many languages​​. Analogy with baking recipes. Aprescription can be written in any language. Japanese, UK, France, Indonesia, and others.Whatever the language, the resulting cake remains the same provided that all followed the rules on prescription. Why is that? Because every cook (as a processor) can perform the same basic operations, such as whisk eggs, sugar weighing, and so forth. So it is with computers. Although each computer is different technology, but in general all the computers can perform basic operations in programming such as data readoperations, comparison operations, arithmetic operations, and so forth. Development of computer technology does not alter the basic operations, the change was the speed, cost, or level of accuracy. On the other hand, every program in a high-level language is alwaystranslated into machine language before it is done by the CPU. Each machine language instruction in the basic operation of the corresponding presents, and produce the samenet effect on each computer.
And conclusions?

  • Learning to program is not the same as learning a programming language.
  • Learning to program: learning about problem-solving strategies, methodologies and systematic problem solving and then write it in the notation mutually agreed.
  • Learning to program: the issue is understanding, analysis and synthesis.
  • Learning program, the emphasis: designer program.
  • Learning a programming language: learning to use a programming language, the rules.
  • syntax, procedures for the use of specific instructions for each language.
  • Learn a programming language, the emphasis: coder.